其它章節包括Juan ・Carlos Cobian 、第二次世界大戰的tango 的影響對tango, 寫照在電影和芭蕾, 和tango 錄音Gerry Mulligan, 加利Burton, Al Di Meola, Yo-Yo Ma, 和Julio Iglesias, 在許多其它題目之中。
作者: Carlos G. Groppa
格式: 精裝書
國際標準書號: 0786414065
出版日期: 1/1/2004
出版者: McFarland & Company
度量(在英寸) 10H x 7L x 0.75T
頁: 184
書: Tango 在美國: 歷史由Carlos G. Groppa作
價格 $39.95
電子郵件email: info@thetangoshop.com
Book: The Tango in the United States: A History by Carlos G. Groppa
Detailed Description
This work chronicles the history of the tango in the United States, from its antecedents in Argentina, Paris, and London to the present day. It covers the dancers, musicians, and composers, and the tango's influence on American music. Chapters are dedicated to Vernon and Irene Castle, Rudolph Valentino, Arthur Murray, Xavier Cugat, the Big Band and jazz singers who incorporated tangos with English lyrics into their repertoires. Other chapters cover Juan Carlos Cobian, the influence of World War II on the tango, portrayals of the tango in the movies and ballet, and the tango recordings of Gerry Mulligan, Gary Burton, Al Di Meola, Yo-Yo Ma, and Julio Iglesias, among many other topics.
Author: Carlos G. Groppa
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 0786414065
Publish Date: 1/1/2004
Publisher: McFarland & Company
Dimensions (in Inches) 10H x 7L x 0.75T
Pages: 184
詳細的描述 Astor Piazzolla: 一個專刊由Natalio Gorin由Fernando ・Gonzalez 翻譯, 附註, 和擴展。
Astor Piazzolla, 精采, 偶像破壞者的tango 音樂家和作曲家, 成為了一個全國英雄在阿根廷和崇拜形象為古典和爵士樂戀人全世界, 但在爭論和奮鬥之後終身。 坦率, 頑固的Piazzolla 講他的故事對新聞工作者和長期風扇Natalio Gorin 在1990 年的春天參加一系列坦率的採訪。
在其他人第一手觀察之中知道Piazzolla 井是那些他的抒情歌手Horacio Ferrer, 他的音樂家, 和他的同事。報道Piazzolla.s 事業在美國的翻譯Fernando ・Gonzalez, 阿根廷當地和美國流行音樂評論家, 附註了Amadeus 編輯為再發現Astor Piazzolla 的加寬的觀眾。
作者: Natalio Gorin
格式: 精裝書
國際標準書號: 1-57467-066-2
出版日期: © 2001 年
出版者: Amadeus 新聞
維度: (在英寸) 6 x 9"
頁: 260 頁, 49 張b/w 相片, 2 線描
編輯數字: 1
書: Astor Piazzolla: 一個專刊由Natalio Gorin作
電子郵件email: info@thetangoshop.com
Book: Astor Piazzolla: A Memoir by Natalio Gorin
Detailed Description
Astor Piazzolla: A Memoir by Natalio Gorin
Translated, annotated, and expanded by Fernando Gonzalez.
Astor Piazzolla, brilliant, iconoclastic tango musician and composer, has become a national hero in Argentina and a cult figure for classical and jazz lovers worldwide, but only after a lifetime of controversy and struggle.
The outspoken, headstrong Piazzolla told his story to journalist and longtime fan Natalio Gorin in the spring of 1990 in a series of frank interviews.
Among the firsthand observations of others who knew Piazzolla well are those of his lyricist Horacio Ferrer, his fellow musicians, and his colleagues. Translator Fernando Gonzalez, an Argentine native and American popular music critic who covered Piazzolla?s career in the United States, has annotated the Amadeus edition for the widening audience that is rediscovering Astor Piazzolla.
Author: Natalio Gorin
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 1-57467-066-2
Publish Date: © 2001
Publisher: Amadeus Press
Dimensions: (in Inches) 6 x 9"
Pages: 260 pp, 49 b/w photos, 2 line drawings
Edition Number: 1
詳細的描述 .從出版者:以它周道, 輕鬆愉快的洞察和簡單的物理鍛煉這本書將幫助您達到垂涎的"平衡" 那影響每個您的生活的方面。發現怎麼教訓從這個誘人, 複雜和親密的100 年的舞蹈可能帶領您更加平衡的生活。
我發現了答復對所有life.s 教訓在一個陌生人的胳膊。並且您能現在讀他們在這本書頁。首先次我被拿著在Tango 擁抱, 我的生活被變換了。在聖經的比例的當中一個那些神話突然顯現中, 理解光充斥了下來在我, 雲彩被分開, 並且天使唱歌。實際上, 這本書出生非常同樣夜。
我的生活教訓的深度通過這個奇妙舞蹈是很重要和生活修改, 我感覺強迫與不一定被吸引對舞蹈的人分享他們。由於既使不是大家與"ganchos" 和"molinetes" 奮鬥, 他們做以生活和關係。
平裝書: 167 頁
出版者: Trafford 出版(2000 9月19 日)
語言: 英語
國際標準書號: 155212410X
產品維度: 0.5 x 5.5 x 8.2 英寸
價格 $22.00
書: Tango (平裝書的) 陶由Johanna Siegmann作
電子郵件email: info@thetangoshop.com
Book: The Tao of Tango (Paperback) by Johanna Siegmann
Detailed Description
From the Publisher
With its thoughtful, light-hearted insights and simple physical exercises this book will help you achieve the coveted "balance" that affects every aspect of your life. Discover how the lessons from this seductive, complex and intimate 100-year-old dance can lead you to a more balanced life.
From the Author
I found the answers to all of life?s lessons in the arms of a total stranger. And now you can read them in the pages of this book. The very first time I was held in a Tango embrace, my life was transformed. In one of those mythical epiphanies of biblical proportions, the light of understanding flooded down upon me, the clouds parted, and the angels sang. In fact, this book was born that very same night.
The depth of my life lessons through this marvelous dance were so important and life altering, I felt compelled to share them with people who were not necessarily attracted to the dance itself. Because even if not everyone struggles with "ganchos" and "molinetes", they do with life and relationships.
Paperback: 167 pages
Publisher: Trafford Publishing (September 19, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN: 155212410X
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 5.5 x 8.2 inches
A 必須為tango 迷, 布宜諾斯賽利斯這被碾壓的以tango 主題的map/guide (用英語) 包括101 最重要的與tango 相關的地方和活動在城市, 並且tango 和它的最著名的實習者的歷史。它並且包括tango 一個根本唱片分目(從最早期的錄音對Astor Piazzolla 和以遠), 小時由小時日程表' 三tango 被填裝的天的, 咖啡館一個被說明的索引, 小酒吧、和milongas (tango 舞廳和事件), 和名列前茅10 根本tango 經驗名單。地圖進來方便, 容易對摺疊大小, 會是理想的為計劃旅行或運載在布宜諾斯賽利斯街道。
Editores de Dios (布宜諾斯賽利斯, 阿根廷) 出版組合map/guides 的主要城市全世界, 重點放在Buenos 以Aires 主題的標題。指南是招待, 五顏六色, 和用戶友好的。
地圖指南: Tango 布宜諾斯賽利斯由de Dios Editores (平裝書)作
電子郵件email: info@thetangoshop.com
Map Guide: Tango Buenos Aires by de Dios Editores (paperback)
Detailed Description
A must for tango aficionados, this laminated tango-themed map/guide of Buenos Aires (in English) includes the 101 most important tango-related places and activities in the city, as well as a history of tango and its most famous practitioners. It also includes an essential discography of tango (from the earliest recordings to Astor Piazzolla and beyond), an hour-by-hour schedule for 'three tango-filled days', an illustrated index of cafes, cantinas, and milongas (tango dance halls and events), and a list of the top 10 essential tango experiences. The map comes in a convenient, easy-to-fold size and would be ideal for planning a trip or carrying in the streets of Buenos Aires.
About the Author
Editores de Dios (Buenos Aires, Argentina) publish combination map/guides of major cities worldwide, with an emphasis on Buenos Aires-themed titles. The guides are entertaining, colorful, and user-friendly.
2006-01-01負擔在布宜諾斯賽利斯貧民窟在19 世紀的最後十年, tango 依然是壯觀地活100 年和今天是新崇拜的焦點。什麼是tango 的呼籲的秘密? 史學家西蒙運煤船追蹤tango 的根在阿根廷和繪製它的上升圖表從布宜諾斯賽利斯妓院成為阿根廷普遍的文化精華表示。250 illus 。75 在顏色。大小D 。208 頁。
作者: 運煤船.西蒙
格式: 平裝書
國際標準書號: 0500279799
出版日期: 9/1/1997
出版者: 泰晤士和Hudson
度量(在英寸) 12.5H x 9L x 0.75T
頁: 208
編輯數字: 1
書: Tango: 舞蹈, 歌曲, 故事由西蒙・Collier作
價格 $39.95
Book: Tango: The Dance, the Song, the Story by Simon Collier
Born in the slums of Buenos Aires in the last decades of the 19th century, the tango has remained spectacularly alive for over 100 years and today is the focus of a new cult. What is the secret of the tango's appeal? Historian Simon Collier traces the tango's roots in Argentina and charts its rise from the brothels of Buenos Aires to become the quintessential expressions of Argentine popular culture. 250 illus. 75 in color. Size D. 208 pp.
Author: Simon Collier
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 0500279799
Publish Date: 9/1/1997
Publisher: Thames and Hudson
Dimensions (in Inches) 12.5H x 9L x 0.75T
Pages: 208
Edition Number: 1
編輯約會了: 2004 年7月1 日 45 個圖以詳細的描述在古銅、銀, 和金水平。
關於DVIDA 指南 DVIDA 指南是注定的為全國認識。這些全面舞蹈指南由專業舞蹈家刻苦創造了由輔導員和學生容易地瞭解。指南和錄影直接地被協調對將使您高效率地學會的證明檢查。
為了體會從這個指南的最大好處, 您可以考慮購買一些或所有對應的錄影或dvds 下面被列出。
書: 阿根廷Tango 指南作
Book: Argentine Tango Manual
Edition Dated: July 1st, 2004
45 figures with detailed descriptions in the Bronze, Silver, and Gold levels.
About DVIDA Manuals
DVIDA Manuals are destined for national recognition. These comprehensive dance manuals have been painstakingly created by professional dancers to be easily understood by instructors and students alike. Both the manuals and videos are directly coordinated to the certification exams which will enable you to learn efficiently.
In order to realize the maximum benefit from this manual, you may consider purchasing some or all of the corresponding videos or dvds listed below.
作者: 保樂・Bottomer
格式: 平裝書
國際標準書號: 184215690X
出版日期: 11/1/2002
出版者: Southwater 出版
度量(在英寸) 7.5H x 7.75L x 0.25T
頁: 64
系列: 舞蹈俱樂部系列
價格 $7.99
書: Tango 由保樂・Bottomer作
Tango by Paul Bottomer
This book has all you need to get started with the basic techniques of dancing. Easy-to-follow dance sequences will enable you to study the steps at home in your own time.
Author: Paul Bottomer
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 184215690X
Publish Date: 11/1/2002
Publisher: Southwater Publishing
Dimensions (in Inches) 7.5H x 7.75L x 0.25T
Pages: 64
Series: The Dance Club Series
當30 年的Palmer 宣佈了她摒棄她的曼哈頓公寓, 放棄她的緊張廣告的工作並且留下怏怏不樂選拔場面佔去專業tango 跳舞在布宜諾斯賽利斯, 她的上部外殼父母可理解地是半信半疑的。當然, tango 不是僅這是—一個盛大隱喻為性追求的舞蹈。開始從點頭從人, 符號化他的慾望為一名特殊婦女, tango 繼續參加一系列移動類似風格化foreplay 。在幾掙扎的歲月設法以後與一tango nightlife 結合她的曼哈頓天生活, 1999 年Palmer 行動了向阿根廷。她度過了幾乎每夜直到黎明跳舞在各種各樣的地點, 偶爾地帶來家夥伴, 並且她的試驗在舞池—酸疼的腳, 被打擊走路—只被配製了在臥室。在吸收五年以後日誌詞條, 讀者在家將感覺以布宜諾斯賽利斯街道生活和幾乎習慣tango 場面的retrosexual 政治, 因此當Palmer 認為事像, "我祝願所有人會I 長期被對待像對象," 他們排序知道什麼她意味。雖然男女平等主義者也許發怒, 其它讀者也許湧出享受Palmer 的engagingly 魯莽的精神。
作者: 小游艇船塢Palmer
精裝書: 336 頁
出版者: 威廉次日(2005 6月28 日)
語言: 英語
國際標準書號: 0060742925
產品維度: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.1 英寸
書: 親吻和Tango: 尋找愛在布宜諾斯賽利斯(精裝書) 由Marina Palmer作
Book: Kiss and Tango : Looking for Love in Buenos Aires (Hardcover) by Marina Palmer
When 30-year-old Palmer announced she was abandoning her Manhattan apartment, ditching her stressful advertising job and leaving the unhappy singles scene to take up professional tango dancing in Buenos Aires, her upper-crust parents were understandably dubious. Of course, the tango isn't just a dance—it's a grand metaphor for sexual pursuit. Beginning with a nod from the man, signifying his desire for a particular woman, tango continues in a series of moves resembling stylized foreplay. After a few agonizing years of trying to combine her Manhattan day life with a tango nightlife, in 1999, Palmer moved to Argentina. She spent almost every night until dawn dancing at various venues, occasionally bringing home a partner, and her trials on the dance floor—aching feet, battered shins—were only compounded in the bedroom. After absorbing five years of diary entries, readers will feel at home with Buenos Aires street life and almost accustomed to the retrosexual politics of the tango scene, so when Palmer says things like, "I wish all men knew how I long to be treated like an object," they sort of know what she means. Although feminists may bristle, other readers may well enjoy Palmer's engagingly reckless spirit.
Author: Marina Palmer
Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: William Morrow (June 28, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0060742925
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.1 inches
以Tango 跳舞。
那是Tango 禪宗是凝思在行動, 和, 如果適當地實踐, 也許使Tango 舞蹈家和非舞蹈家思考和體驗禪宗片刻當跳舞Tango 。
平裝書: 87 頁
出版者: Tango 禪宗議院(2005 1月30 日)
語言: 英語
國際標準書號: 0975963007
產品維度: 0.2 x 5.2 x 5.2 英寸
書: Tango 禪宗: 走的舞蹈凝思(平裝書) 由Chan Park作
Book: Tango Zen: Walking Dance Meditation (Paperback) by Chan Park
Tango Zen is Walking Dance Meditation, which combines Zen meditation principles
with Tango dancing.
That is, Tango Zen is meditation in motion, and, if practiced properly, may enable Tango dancers and non-dancers alike to meditate and experience Zen moment while dancing Tango.
Paperback: 87 pages
Publisher: Tango Zen House (January 30, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN: 0975963007
Product Dimensions: 0.2 x 5.2 x 5.2 inches
文章和關於Tango 的詩雜文的引人入勝的編輯從Rio de la Plata 的了不起的文學形象。工作被拉扯從一開始it.s 歷史對現代天。說明與圖畫和相片。一向前由跳舞"的Horacio Salas 題為" 哀傷的想法, 開始這次文藝旅途。您然後被引導沿您的方式由作家譬如保持的Leopoldo Marechal "tango 是與" 刀子英勇行為"關係tango 的一種不盡的可能性" 和Jorge Luis Borges 。當Ernesto S3abato 闡明, Tango 是"R?de la Plata 的最原始的現象。" 您將發現詞包括的許多其它著名知識分子: Manrique Zago, Carlos Fuentes, Alberto Vacarezza, 維多利亞Ocampo, Eladia Bl3azquez, Ulyses Petit de Murat, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Enrique Santos Disc3epolo, Enrique Cad?mo, Horacio Ferrer, Roberto Arlt, Julio Cort3azar, 和許多, 許多。
精裝書編輯。152 頁。
書: 布宜諾斯賽利斯Tango 詩歌由Horacio Salas作
Book: Tango Poetry of Buenos Aires by Horacio Salas
A fascinating compilation of articles and poetic essays on Tango from the great literary figures of the Rio de la Plata. The works are pulled from the beginning of it?s history to the modern day. Illustrated with drawings and photographs. A forward by Horacio Salas titled "a sad thought that is danced", begins this literary journey. You are then guided along your way by writers such as Leopoldo Marechal who held that "tango is an endless possibility" and Jorge Luis Borges who related tango to "the heroic deed of the knife". While Ernesto Sábato stated that Tango is "the most original phenomenon of the R?de la Plata." The many other famous intellectuals from whom you will find words include: Manrique Zago, Carlos Fuentes, Alberto Vacarezza, Victoria Ocampo, Eladia Blázquez, Ulyses Petit de Murat, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Enrique Santos Discépolo, Enrique Cad?mo, Horacio Ferrer, Roberto Arlt, Julio Cortázar, and many, many more.
Hardcover Edition. 152 pages.
2005-12-31 Tango
「探戈舞」伊芳莎貝拉.穆尼奧斯Isabel Munoz攝影集
尺寸:232*308 頁數:110P 絕版
書: Tango 由伊莎貝爾Munoz 和Evelyne Pieiller .價格 Qty $39.99
Tango 跳舞永遠享用再發現以音樂會表現譬如Tango 和Tango Argentino, 但由French 的這本書作者Evelyne Pieiller 和西班牙攝影師伊莎貝爾Mu 盎司所著不做企圖告訴阿根廷舞蹈的歷史。相反, 它傾斜地接近它的主題, 與小說和一系列的tango 歌曲抒情詩一個長的片斷, 被翻譯成英語, 和伴隨書的焦點, 一系列卓越, 發光, 溫和地色情相片。所有冷凍tango 舞蹈家在行動: 糾纏的肢體纏結緊緊穿在被舒展的緞和漁網裡, 冒汗, 和不總以施加。抒情詩, 被提出這裡作為激情和背叛詩, 奪取兩個舞蹈的精華, 和導致它生活方式的鋒利的特性。很少做書捕獲純淨的心情如此井-- 對實際上一切的排除。
文本: 英語, 西班牙語(翻譯)
源語言: 法語, 西班牙語
精裝書: 109 頁
出版者: Stewart 、Tabori 和Chang (1997 4月10 日)
國際標準書號: 1556705972
產品維度: 0.5 x 9.2 x 12.2 英寸
Book: Tango by Isabel Munoz and Evelyne Pieiller
Price Qty
Detailed Description
Tango dancing is enjoying a rediscovery with concert performances such as Forever Tango and Tango Argentino, but this book by French author Evelyne Pieiller and Spanish photographer Isabel Mumakes no attempt to tell the Argentinian dance's history. Rather, it approaches its subject obliquely, with a long piece of fiction and a series of tango song lyrics, translated into English, and accompanying the book's centerpiece, a series of remarkable, glowing, mildly erotic photographs. All freeze the tango dancers in action: tangles of entwined limb tightly clad in stretched satin and fishnet, sweating, and not always just with exertion. The lyrics, presented here as poems of passion and betrayal, capture both the essence of the dance, and the sharp tang of the lifestyle that produced it. Rarely does a book capture pure mood so well--to exclusion of virtually everything else.
Language Notes
Text: English, Spanish (translation)
Original Language: French, Spanish
Product Details
Hardcover: 109 pages
Publisher: Stewart, Tabori and Chang (April 10, 1997)
ISBN: 1556705972
Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 9.2 x 12.2 inches
Where Masks Still Dance New Guinea
新幾內亞.面罩舞蹈Chris Rainier攝影輯
尺寸:310*310 頁數:132P 絕版
那裡面具仍然跳舞: 紐幾內亞。
相片由 克里斯・Rainier。文本由Meg 泰勒。
Bulfinch, 波士頓1996 年。132 頁, 110 個duotone 例證, 11¾x11¾"。
在任務之間包括世界的政治和社會hotspots 為 紐約時代週刊, 生活, 和全國地理, 克里斯更加多雨到紐幾內亞旅行提供世界的最後石器時期人民。他的圖像探索這堅定"原始" 人民雍容和有力當他們的世界成為陷入在CNN 、波士尼亞, 和O.J. Simpson 國際主義。攝影師的短的雜文, 發表的throught 在書之外, 細節和解釋他拍攝了的儀式和傳統。
貓# BF102H Hardbound
* 當您增加一個項目來您的絕版願望, 您自動地被通報如果它變得可利用在一次 拍賣 或在 書店。
Where Masks Still Dance: New Guinea.
Photographs by Chris Rainier. Text by Meg Taylor.
Bulfinch, Boston, 1996. 132 pp., 110 duotone illustrations, 11¾x11¾".
Between assignments covering the world's political and social hotspots for The New York Times, Life, and National Geographic, Chris Rainier has been travelling to New Guinea to document the world's last stone age peoples. His images explore the grace and potency of these determinedly "primitive" people as their worlds become enmeshed in the internationalism of CNN, Bosnia, and O.J. Simpson. The photographer's short essays, appearing throught out the book, detail and explain both the rituals and traditions he has photographed.
Cat# BF102H Hardbound
* When you add an item to your out-of-print wish list, you are automatically notified if it becomes available in an auction or in the bookstore.
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那裡面具仍然跳舞: 紐幾內亞
克里斯更加多雨的 • 兆歐泰勒
文化畫像 • 1996 • 艱苦蓋 • 132 頁
電子郵件這個頁 印表機友好的版本
在這本驚人書裡, 知名的攝影師和冒險家更加多雨的文件文化遍及紐幾內亞海島。他美好的黑白圖像奪取這些遙遠的人民的奧秘。 (PNG05, $60.00)
Where Masks Still Dance: New Guinea
Chris Rainier • Meg Taylor
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In this stunning book, well known photographer and adventurer Rainier documents cultures throughout the island of New Guinea. His beautiful black-and-white images capture the mystery of these remote peoples. (PNG05, $60.00)
芭蕾舞巨星瑪卡諾娃Natalia Makarova自傳
尺寸:152*216 頁數:304P ¥2957
Ballet & Modern Dance A Concise History
尺寸:152*226 頁數:288P £15.00
Lighting and Sound
尺寸:145*210 頁數:132P $14.95
The Theatre A Concise History
尺寸:150*210 頁數:304P £7.95
尺寸:138*294 頁數:294P ¥1733
尺寸:154*216 頁數:372P ¥3605
Stage Design & Properties
尺寸:145*210 頁數:128P $14.95
Pocket Reference Dictionary of Music
尺寸:112*185 頁數:448P £5.00
巴瑞辛尼可夫Mikhail Baryshnikov遠離故國
尺寸:154*217 頁數:322P ¥2730
尺寸:182*257 頁數:198P ¥5040
法國舞蹈家ROLAND PETIT.舞蹈的魔術師
尺寸:218*257 頁數:224P ¥3990
Suki Schorer On Balanchine Technique
Suki Schorer談巴蘭欽技術
尺寸:210*260 頁數:448P $40.00
芭蕾舞蹈家Rudolf Noureev魯道夫.紐瑞耶夫寫真集
尺寸:258*307 頁數:192P £23.58
Indian Classical Dance
「印度古典舞會」在傳統中的變遷Avinash Pasricha攝影輯
尺寸:313*313 頁數:146P £20.83
尺寸:216*303 頁數:90P ¥3059
Vital Grace The Black Male Dancer
尺寸:238*336 頁數:208P £45
Merce Cunningham Fifty Years
現代舞大師Merce Cunningham默斯·康寧漢50年紀錄回顧輯
尺寸:248*312 頁數:320P $75
Dance Is a Moment
尺寸:212*274 頁數:112P £15
Design for Performance
演出的設計:編錄「the rat shop boys」舞台劇
尺寸:249*249 頁數:240P $60
Plisetskaya eternal muse
尺寸:218*284 頁數:94P ¥3873
Performance Live Art Since the 60's
尺寸:258*288 頁數:240P £320
Dance and the Lived Body
尺寸:153*226 頁數:328P £17.50
Finding the Best Dance Instruction
尺寸:152*228 頁數:168P £8.95
Ballet for Beginners
尺寸:200*248 頁數:112P $7.95
Dance Injuries
尺寸:154*228 頁數:234P £16.00
The Dancer and the Dance
尺寸:181*215 頁數:238P £14.95
Life into Art Isadora Duncan and Her World
生活藝術.伊芳莎多拉‧鄧肯Isadora Duncan和她的世界
尺寸:222*260 頁數:200P $40.00
The Theatre Museum, London
尺寸:204*282 頁數:144P £11.95
Dancing into Darkness
尺寸:156*210 頁數:192P $37.50
TAP! The Greatest Tap Dance Stars and Their Stories 1900-1955
尺寸:175*220 頁數:358P $24.00
Basic Concepts in Modern Dance
尺寸:148*228 頁數:128P $16.95
尺寸:210*270 頁數:250P €10.52
尺寸:190*252 頁數:150P ¥2940
Louis Horst Musician in a Dancer's World
Louis Horst路易士‧霍斯特.舞蹈家界的音樂家
尺寸:160*242 頁數:296P £28.50
The Intimate Act of Choreography
尺寸:138*203 頁數:252P 絕版
Modern Jazz Ballett
尺寸:242*285 頁數:144P 絕版
Stage Lighting Step-By-Step
尺寸:198*253 頁數:144P 絕版
Soviet Choreographers in the 1920's
尺寸:156*236 頁數:336P 絕版
The Viking Opera Guide
尺寸:160*240 頁數:1328P 絕版
The Modern Dance
尺寸:137*203 頁數:124P 絕版 $10.95
Dance Composition
尺寸:130*197 頁數:136P 絕版 £9.99
danse double
「danse double」舞蹈與寫真
尺寸:135*192 頁數:136P 絕版¥1890
Vladimir Malakhov
知名芭蕾舞家瓦迪米.馬拉寇夫Vladimir Malakhov攝影集
尺寸:196*296 頁數:96P 絕版
Le mime Marcel Marceau
馬歇馬叟(Marcel Marceau)法國默劇藝術家攝影集[附CD]
尺寸:258*288 頁數:224P 絕版
Akiko The dancer
尺寸:246*290 頁數:202P 絕版 ¥10194
Un sogno in punta di piedi
尺寸:230*298 頁數:64P 絕版 nt800
The Alexander Technique Manual
尺寸:221*288 頁數:144P 絕版
尺寸:216*265 頁數:80P 絕版 ¥2854
尺寸:226*280 頁數:224P 絕版 ¥5800
Julie Taymor, Playing With Fire Theater Opera Film
Julie Taymor「Playing With Fire」玩火:歌劇電影
尺寸:260*285 頁數:200P 絕版
尺寸:217*304 頁數:136P 絕版 ¥4384
Pina Bausch
「Pina Bausch烏帕塔爾舞蹈劇」攝影集
尺寸:245*335 頁數:152P 絕版
尺寸:220*300 頁數:128P 絕版
Stage Lighting for the Theatre Designer
尺寸:183*248 頁數:128P 絕版
尺寸:183*258 頁數:128P 絕版 ¥1529
Ralph Koltai Designer for the Stage
Ralph Koltai.舞台的設計者
尺寸:255*255 頁數:130P 絕版
Matt Mattox - Jazz dance
尺寸:244*285 頁數:128P 絕版
尺寸:216*257 頁數:166P 絕版 ¥4725
Bolshoi Ballet "Sleeping Beauty"
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團Bolshoi Ballet「睡美人」劇攝影輯
尺寸:218*285 頁數:158P 絕版
The Authorized Bolshoi Ballet Book of Spartacus
莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團Bolshoi Ballet「斯巴達克斯」劇攝影輯
尺寸:220*284 頁數:94P 絕版
Dance Technique and Injury Prevention
尺寸:195*253 頁數:216P 絕版
Great Skates
尺寸:216*276 頁數:94P 絕版
Hans van Manen
資深荷蘭編舞家Hans van Manen回顧作品輯
尺寸:236*280 頁數:158P 絕版$45.99
Super Skaters World Figure Skating Stars
頂尖的溜冰者. 世界花式滑冰明星
尺寸:220*282 頁數:48P 絕版
A Ballet-maker's Handbook
尺寸:190*246 頁數:112P 絕版
美國黑人舞蹈家BILL T. JONES傳記
尺寸:210*236 頁數:286P 絕版
The Classic Ballet
尺寸:265*209 頁數:244P 絕版
尺寸:238*286 頁數:256P 絕版
From Petipa to Balanchine
尺寸:162*240 頁數:180P 絕版£65.00
Dance Composition & Production
尺寸:152*226 頁數:234P 絕版
The Body Is a Clear Place and Other Statements on Dance
尺寸:152*227 頁數:154P 絕版 £65.00
Ballroom Dancing
尺寸:126*190 頁數:336P 絕版
Lester Horton Modern Dance Pioneer
里斯特.霍頓Lester Horton:現代舞先驅者
尺寸:152*228 頁數:248P 絕版 $185.00